Pocket Area and Volume

This plugin calculate the volume and area of a pocket depending of the perimeter entity selected and the pocket depth taken in the machining operation used by this entity.




Last version / Date

V 2.1 - date: 11 March 2021

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DownLoad for V1.0


1. select an entity that represents the pocket perimeter.
2. start the plugin, Tools->Pocket Area and Volume
3. the plugin looks for a Pocket MOP that contains the selected entity, it assumes the same entity will exist in one pocket MOP only.
4. the plugin gets TargetDepth of the pocket MOP
5. the plugin looks through the other entity IDs in that pocket MOP and checks if they are inside the perimeter entity, i.e. islands
6. the plugin uses all that information to calculate areas and volume.
7. extra information about each inside entity or island is shown in the bottom message log window.

Requirements CamBam V1.0, Linux version
Forum Link Pocket Area and Volume plugin on the forum
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