' polyline offset dh42 2015 ' 'creates and select ONE polyline before running the script ' 2 polylines will be created, one external and one internal + corner overcut ' Sub main() CamBam.CamBamConfig.Defaults.ReloadTreeAfterScript = False Dim poly As Polyline 'only one polyline selected If CamBamUI.MainUI.ActiveView.SelectedEntities.Length = 1 Then For Each ent As Entity In CamBamUI.MainUI.ActiveView.SelectedEntities If TypeOf ent Is Polyline Then poly = CType(ent, Polyline) '-------------------------------------- offset1(poly) 'create a simple offset polyline offset2(poly) 'create an offset polyline with corner overcut '-------------------------------------- Else App.Log("select only ONE polyline") End If Next ent CamBamUI.MainUI.ActiveView.RefreshView() End If End Sub Sub offset1(p As Polyline) Dim p1() As Polyline 'an array of polylines 'creates an array of polylines offseted from the source polyline 'the resulting polyline is in the first element of the array p1 = p.CreateOffsetPolyline(10.5, 0.01) Try Doc.Add(p1(0)) 'add the first element of the array to the doc (the offseted polyline) Catch ex As Exception App.Log("unable to offset this polyline") End Try End Sub Sub offset2(p As Polyline) Dim p1() As Polyline 'an array of polylines p1 = p.CreateOffsetPolyline(-2.5, 0.01, True, False) Try doc.add(p1(0)) 'add the first element of the array to the doc (the offseted polyline) Catch ex As Exception App.Log("unable to offset this polyline") End Try End Sub