' New CamBam VBScript 'CamBam.CAD 'CamBam.UI.RichMessageBox 'buttons 'AbortRetryIgnore = 2 'OK = 0 'OKCancel = 1 'RetryCancel = 5 'YesNo = 4 'YesNoCancel = 3 'icon 'Asterisk = &H40 '[Error] = &H10 'Exclamation = &H30 'Hand = &H10 'Information = &H40 'None = 0 'Question = &H20 '[Stop] = &H10 'Warning = &H30 Sub main() Dim t As String Dim rep As String t = "CamBam" & vbNewLine & "My rich message box" Dim rmb As RichMessageBox = New RichMessageBox(t, 4, &H20) rmb.Text = "Win title" 'title bar rmb.Width = 400 'window size rmb.Height = 200 'font, size and style rmb.Font = New Font("Verdana", 10.0F, FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Bold) rmb.BackColor = Color.Teal 'color of the bottom of the window rmb.ForeColor = Color.White 'color of the text in the buttons 'needed to be able to specify a location rmb.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual 'window location rmb.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(100, 120) rmb.Name = "Box 1" 'internal name of the box 'mouse cursor as cross rmb.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Cross ' show the form as dialog (return a value for buttons and is modal) rep = rmb.ShowDialog() ThisApplication.AddLogMessage(rep) End Sub